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Instructions for Editors (Editor Guidelines)

Editor guidelines: 

Each member of the Editorial Board assumes a crucial role in upholding the standards and facilitating the peer-review process of the journal. Journal editors bear the significant responsibility of preserving the reputation and ensuring the integrity of the entire content. 

  • Based on the research interest or subject matter, the editor will assign submitted manuscripts to a reviewer for the peer review process. 

  • If the assigned reviewer accepts the invitation to review the article, the author is required to promptly inform Epic Globe Publisher. If the reviewer declines, the manuscript will be reassigned to another editor within the same field.

  • Editors are kindly requested to send acknowledgment to the respective author upon receipt of the article. 

  • Acknowledgments should be provided promptly to facilitate the author's awareness of the paper's status. 

  • Articles may be rejected if they do not adhere to the submission policies. 

For example: The submitted work must not have been previously published or concurrently submitted to any other publication. 

  • Concurrent submission of the same article will result in rejection. 

  • Articles meeting the minimum criteria will undergo review by assigned reviewers, following which editors will engage the reviewers with the title and abstract. Upon acceptance, manuscripts may proceed directly to the reviewer. 

  • Reviewers are allotted 5 - 7 days to evaluate the manuscript. 

  • Editors will make the final determination regarding the acceptance or rejection of the article based on reviewer comments and suggestions. This decision will be communicated to the author by the editor. 

  • If necessary or recommended, submissions will undergo a second round of review, during which editors may request authors to resubmit for further revision. Authors will receive the decision along with reviewer comments and recommendations. 

  • Articles deemed unsuitable for publication will be rejected, with the editor notifying the author(s) along with reviewer comments. By following these guidelines, we ensure that our review process is effective and beneficial for maintaining the quality of articles. This also helps foster good scientific relationships among authors, editors, and reviewers. 


  • Serving as an editorial board member is both productive and prestigious, facilitating the dissemination of scientific innovations globally. 

  •  This role offers an enhanced avenue for establishing a distinct professional identity. 

  • A certificate will be conferred as recognition of your valuable contribution and support. 

  • Your biography, achievements, and research profile will be prominently showcased on the journal's webpage. 

  • Expedited processing of submitted papers is ensured.