Instructions for Reviewers (Reviewer Guidelines)
Manuscripts submitted by authors undergo rigorous review by designated reviewers, whose invaluable support is indispensable for upholding the high standards of peer-reviewed journals. Upon submission, each manuscript is assigned to an editor, who then selects one or more members of the editorial board or reviewers to assess its quality and relevance.
- When you get an invitation, check if you know about the topic. Tell us if you can review it on time.
- If you can't do it, let us know. You can also suggest someone else. But don't forward the invite yourself.
- If you accept, look at the paper carefully. Make sure the names and other details are correct.
- Read the relevant parts of the paper to see if it fits our journal.
- If you need more time or have a conflict, talk to the editor. We might extend the deadline or find another reviewer.
- If you think the paper isn't right, tell the editor.
- Don't talk to the authors about the paper.
- Keep the paper's details private. Don't use them for your own benefit.
- Be helpful but don't be mean. No rude comments.
- Share your thoughts privately. You can suggest the editor accept, reject, or change the paper.
- The editor decides what happens to the paper.
- After you finish, send your review directly to the editor. They're the ones who decide.
- A certificate shall be conferred in recognition of your esteemed contribution and support.
- Expedited processing of the manuscript.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit their curriculum vitae (CV) accompanied by a link to their website or a biography, along with a recent photograph.