Epic Globe Publisher Open Access Statement

Open access refers to the practice of making electronic versions of articles available to readers without any subscription charges. Authors and copyright holders grant all users a free, irrevocable, worldwide, permanent right to access and a license to copy, use, distribute, transmit, and publicly display the work. This extends to the creation and distribution of derivative works in any digital medium, all for responsible purposes. Proper attribution of authorship is required. Additionally, users have the right to produce limited printed copies for personal use. Open access is an economically viable model that contributes to the enhancement of both the scholarly and public quality of research. 

Reader rights: 

Epic Globe Publisher provides unrestricted access to all their publications immediately upon release, without any limitations. 

Reusing rights: 

Epic Globe Publisher permits the unrestricted reuse of materials for academic purposes. However, for commercial and other forms of reuse, prior written authorization is mandatory. 


Epic Global Publisher's copyright statement invites users to request permission for republishing. Epic Global Publisher retains full copyright control over all articles published within Epic Global. All rights are reserved. To inquire about republishing permissions, please get in touch with us at: contact@epicglobepublisher.com 

Author Posting Guidelines:

Authors are granted the right to post the final versions of their articles on third-party websites. However, Epic Globe Publishers encourages authors to prefer linking back to the relevant materials on the Epic Globe website rather than duplicating documents on external platforms. Any re-posting or linking should be executed with due diligence.

Automated Re-posting:

Epic Globe Publishers automatically shares all published articles on social networking websites promptly upon publication.

In adherence to this Statement of Principles, Epic Globe Publishers is committed to developing and overseeing an implementation plan and web-based services. These initiatives aim to facilitate faculty participation in open access and dissemination, ensuring convenience. The Statement of Principles will undergo regular reviews to uphold the success and quality standards of the journal.

Open Access represents the proliferation of information, enabling its unrestricted availability on the public internet. This allows users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, and utilize the information for any lawful purpose without encountering financial, legal, or technical barriers, except those inherent in accessing the internet itself.